2016년 4월 30일 토요일

The Life of a Clojure Expression: A Quick Tour of Clojure Internals https://t.co/2RllyKtnvW via @duelinmarkers #Lisp https://t.co/7BhpLIH451

RT @hanitweet: [토요판] 커버스토리/박찬수의 NL 현대사 (1) 반미 선봉 섰던 ‘주사파’ 청와대 행정관, 애국보수의 ‘지휘자’로 돌아서기까지 https://t.co/VFXTNqg5K9 https://t.co/nizBscF412

A few tips for writing macros in Clojure https://t.co/0Uy8C4ddjg

I just uploaded a new screencast, a technical overview of Arachne: https://t.co/MobJqTxIL2