2015년 5월 16일 토요일

RT @Mayday_KOR: 여러분의 전역복을 이베이에 팔아보세요! 폭리를 취할 수 있읍니다! http://t.co/KLycgeNX08

#JavaScript Loop Optimization http://t.co/kB6PymwdXA via @tommcfarlin

RT @unixware213: http://t.co/glgFvrgx5N김용주_(1905년) 김용주, 김무성의 부. 그렇구나.

RT @drypot: 쉽게 가는 국토종주. http://t.co/F9bh4Dj5z6

RT @dhh: "The awful truth about climate change no one wants to admit", http://t.co/fXlw1dfWl2 - 2C increase wildly optimistic, 4-5C more likely = ☀️💀

FP from the Fire Hose http://t.co/QKl09LbyEH

Containers? Containers! A great interview with @eric_brewer on the future of computing. https://t.co/qGFH5ak945 http://t.co/AbaItSms17

I enjoyed listening to @ericevans0 on DDD: bounded contexts, microservices, event sourcing, CQRS, FP, and actors http://t.co/EkNh9PNS8i

Tutorial: How to Implement Java #OAuth 2.0 to Sign-In with #GitHub and Google - #EnterpriseJava http://t.co/6bNpsyx6Ko

Part VII of the @springcentral #AngularJS blog series (modular Javascript, the angular way): https://t.co/ycftN2w1BH