2016년 4월 13일 수요일

Listen to this great talk about #Erlang and #OTP with @stevevinoski @FrancescoC and @stevenproctor on the @fngeekery https://t.co/fSmdMWdDAW

Want to get started with #graph? Check out our #DataStax Academy tutorial. https://t.co/STTzMedC7f https://t.co/60F7FvRPvN

Use Spacemacs's improved evil-mode bindings in emacs https://t.co/pjzrKS3C3H

REPLAY: "Modernizing Infrastructures for Fast Data with #Spark, #Kafka, #Cassandra, #Reactive Platform & #Mesos" | https://t.co/VvEDG7AynL

Akka in Action: Why use clustering? https://t.co/4KnqG2uTIw https://t.co/vZ0kPxgXZX

Have you ever wondered why and how to use Apache Kafka? Here are some insights. https://t.co/P5wTVZj2x7 https://t.co/bVxg5Vftip

RT @bigmouth_zeta: 도올이 어떤 소리를 해도 이걸 보여주면서 비웃자. https://t.co/AelWdGYVEA

RT @mrbin95: [NBT가 일하는 방식 #2] NBT의 칸반이 진화해 온 과정 https://t.co/36E1q7S9ZQ https://t.co/TeVd27B5m5

RT @fb_engineering: We just launched ReDex, a tool for making Android apps smaller and faster. Check it out on GitHub! https://t.co/OuzXAza0YT

How we built a mobile chat app with @Sqor - VIDEO now up: https://t.co/O8NSwQHrFz

Clojure Weekly, April 12th, 2016 https://t.co/djkdIueFgt

Midnight.js, Wow.js and Animate.css can all help you add neat details to UI. We'll show you how to get started. https://t.co/ZFWO9BuUSL

Note Taking with Org Mode https://t.co/oLFIhOS1z7

오늘 하스켈 학교에서 발표한 “모나드 소개” 발표 자료 공유합니다! 바쁜 와중에도 하스켈 모임 참석해 주신 분들에게 감사드립니다^^ https://t.co/BNAGcpr5mq

Functional Geekery Episode 49 – Steve Vinsoki and Francesco Cesarini https://t.co/D9K1V8XskA

IFn’s magic beyond defprotocol secret https://t.co/7we86R03XH