2015년 9월 9일 수요일

RT @raccoonyy: Django Girls의 튜토리얼 한글 번역본 http://t.co/vIggaQTZXL 내용 좋다고 생각하고 있었는데 번역까지 되었으니 아낌 없이 추천!

RT @HNTweets: tiDB – Scalable RDBMS Inspired by Google F1 with Support for MySQL Protocol: https://t.co/XuPZ5br23E Comments: https://t.co/6zgC7G0ebc

RT @r2d3us: Machine learning explained in interactive visualizations (part 1) http://t.co/g75lLydMH9 #d3js #machinelearning

[Gaming on AWS] "3. DynamoDB 모델링 및 Streams 활용법" (김상필 솔루션 아키텍트) ▶ 슬라이드 보기: http://t.co/hnUwSgMAdg http://t.co/b7Fl4Hx8Op

RT @fvilers: 19 Tips For Everyday #Git Use. http://t.co/7b1DALVdev #dev

Designing a database like an archaeologist https://t.co/41vI6k5LJQ

ES6에 대한 튜토리얼, 레퍼런스 등 정리 https://t.co/lK67a5M62C

tiDB – Scalable RDBMS Inspired by Google F1 with Support for MySQL Protocol: https://t.co/XuPZ5br23E Comments: https://t.co/6zgC7G0ebc

Using ReactJS with AngularJS http://t.co/m0omjTghos #angular #react #javascript

"I don't need to learn JavaScript there's jQuery" said no one ever. Learn ES6 now from @nzgb's incredible articles: http://t.co/Si7McrG4gA