2015년 5월 9일 토요일

RxJava Threading Examples - Evolvable Me http://t.co/MyP2fuh9co

101 Rx Samples - a work in progress - Reactive Framework (Rx) Wiki http://t.co/7rbMdocOvC

#android app done with #clojure love how they handle everything with map http://t.co/lp45UnjSZw

RT @twi_tenkomori: 【話題の画像】くそかわいいなんだこれwwwwwwww http://t.co/29RLKzxLlE

RT @devthewild: 의미있는 애니메이션 http://t.co/RAhrGRQXjR 그 애니메이션이 정말 필요한가? 를 한번 더 생각해보자. http://t.co/R5r9oAl2vJ

MaterialViewPager https://t.co/cSXgbP50bi 이름대로 Material Design ViewPager를 만들어주는 라이브러리.

RT @n0lb00: GMO OMG 우린 얼마나 알고 있는 걸까? http://t.co/PVrMNvGjMl GMO 연어가 200만 마리나 탈출했네요.

LeakCanary: A memory leak detection library for Android and Java. http://t.co/JtIYHYZEwc #AndroidDev

No live stream for #ngvegas, but they are posting videos here https://t.co/nJaNflpZ1t my Myth vs Reality talk coming up at in a couple hours

#Ruby Creator Matz on 《How #Emacs Changed My Life》 http://t.co/mm96PLomaL http://t.co/TLkFN4Dsbq

Auditing infrastructure for your app using #Spring AOP, Custom annotations and Reflection http://t.co/43sgqPrakT

angular-formly === better Angular forms! 4 new lessons by @kentcdodds #free #new http://t.co/BXxDrs0F30

How to convert lazy sequence to non-lazy in #Clojure - http://t.co/HscHCcuEEO