2015년 5월 2일 토요일

Cats - #category #theory abstraction for #clojure: http://t.co/K4kBZbNHCm Also it has a very nice documentation.. #functional #programming

Developing ClojureScript Live with Figwheel - ClojureWest Talk http://t.co/7Nt1D36D5b

Watch Hassan Abid's story on how he learned from our @udacity courses and the Korean Google Developers Study Jams. https://t.co/ZffGI6OB0m

나 같은 직업을 가지는 방법: 애런 스워츠가 말하는 열정의 자세 | 슬로우뉴스 http://t.co/4TYwN3hgBc @slownewskr 님이 공유

Simple explanation of #clojure protocols - http://t.co/vHWq0SVhnm