2020년 4월 11일 토요일

RT @jonnung: (회사) Django 애플리케이션 도커 이미지가 1.5GB를 넘길래 납득이 되지 않아 학습한 내용 정리. 결국 3분의 1로 줄였당 https://t.co/cd4MunwTaL

Understanding JavaScript's Various Module Formats and Tools: https://t.co/Yv0m95wX87

RT @sethvargo: Our newest book #SREBook - Building Secure and Reliable Systems - is now available! It's free in digital formats, or you can purchase a physical copy. https://t.co/CSpJS34drW I'm one of many Googlers who helped write, edit, or contribute. Check it out! https://t.co/NiBP5Uub5u